The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a Christian-based religion whose ideologies revolve around the Bible and prophecies stemming from Ellen G. White. Many of this church’s viewpoints involve the end times and the idea that Adventist leaders will join forces with the U.S. government, causing eventual hate and persecution of Adventists. Their beliefs on the end times also involve seven plagues mentioned in Revelation before the end of the world occurs, and many believers think that the Covid-19 pandemic is the beginning of these plagues, hinting that the return of Jesus Christ is near.
Samuel David Steiner is a former member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church who decided to leave this religion due to conflicting personal ideologies. He believes that individuals should have the freedom to make their own decisions on beliefs they choose to adhere to, instead of feeling pressured by the SDA Church to follow their religion or be punished. In his book Bipolar Winter, Steiner creates a fictional story based on historical events to take a deeper look into the many ideas SDA Church holds as truth. His book unveils some of his findings to help the reader better understand these individuals and what they offer. Discover the truth with Bipolar Winter.